
Trunk or Treat
at Fall Festival
We recruit parent volunteers to host and decorate their cars for Trunk or Treat during our annual Fall Festival.
Teacher Appreciation
Every year, Randall PTA sponsors and coordinates Teacher Appreciation Week to show gratitude for our amazing educators.
Volunteer Appreciation
PTA treats our hard working volunteers with fun meet ups and free tickets to sports venues, museums, zoos, and theaters. We celebrated our members during Volunteer Night in February 2024.
Sports Events
Our PTA members and their families enjoy fun outings watching local professional sports. We often receive free tickets from San Francisco Giants, Oakland As, San Jose Giants and San Jose Earthquakes.
Mobile Dairy Classroom
On February 7, 2023, the Dairy Council visited our school and brought 2 cows to teach students where food comes from and how to make healthy choices.
Randall PTA organized our school's first community yard sale on December 10, 2023. Families sold food, drinks, toys, clothes, and so much more. BikeMobile attended our event to repair bikes for free. We also had a free holiday ornament craft workshop for the kids.
Health & Resource Fair at Paleta Fiesta
For Fall 2023, PTA organized for community partners to join our annual Paleta Fiesta: JG Family Resource Center, Catholic Charities, Second Harvest Bank, Healthier Kids Foundation, Stanford, Milpitas Fire, Milpitas Police, and Santa Clara County Ambulance. We gave away 100 bike helmets donated by Stanford and Safe Kids Coalition.
First Math Festival
On September 2023, Julie Robinson Mathematics Festival awarded PTA a grant to host an event at school to teach play-based math. The Math Festival was held on November 29, 2023 with 120 students and 20 volunteers in attendance.
Bike Giveaway
Turning Wheels for Kids and KLA donated 50 bikes, helmets and bike locks to Randall PTA. They were given away to 50 Randall students on November 4, 2023.
Middle School Dance
We hosted Randall's first middle school dance for the 6th and 7th graders on December 8, 2023. PTA also held a second dance for the 5th-7th graders on April 5, 2024.
Fundraising at Winter Festival
We helped fundraise for 6th grade science camp during our annual Winter Festival on December 15, 2023. PTA sold food & drinks. We raffled donated original Pixar memorabilia. We also hosted photos with Santa.
Spring 2024 Math Festival
Our 2nd Math Festival on March 22, 2024 was a success! Mathnasium sponsored the event. They provided fun math games and puzzles as well as toy prizes.
Free Bike Repair Clinic
On April 7, 2024, Milpitas Fire Station #2 hosted a free bike repair clinic, in collaboration with Randall PTA, Turning Wheels for Kids and City of Milpitas Recreation Center. 75 bikes were fixed by the BikeDoctorz.
First Math Challenge Tournament
About 50 student mathletes from multiple Milpitas schools competed at the Annual Math Challenge Tournament held at Randall on April 10, 2024. It was sponsored by Ellipsis Academy.
Tech Challenge
3 Randall Teams competed at the annual Tech Challenge engineering competition on April 27-28, 2024. Our 4th grade team won the Judge's Choice: Great Documentation award.
El Día de los Niños
Our school celebrated our students on April 30, 2024, to honor and appreciate children's role in society. PTA distributed free gift bags with toys and snacks to every student. We also sponsored a piñata for every class to enjoy.
First Science Festival
Our school had a Build, Engineer, Invent Science Festival on May 1, 2024. It was hosted by Lawrence Hall of Science and sponsored by Randall PTA.
Science Olympiad
We sponsor Randall student teams to compete at the annual MUSD Elementary Science Olympiad.
Play Day
Randall PTA hosts the school's annual Play Day. It is a day of free play for the students during the last week of school. We provide games and serve snacks & refreshments.